"U.S. states whose residents have more conservative religious beliefs on average tend to have higher rates of teenagers giving birth, a new study suggests.
The relationship could be due to the fact that communities with such religious beliefs (a literal interpretation of the Bible, for instance) may frown upon contraception, researchers say. If that same culture isn't successfully discouraging teen sex, the pregnancy and birth rates rise."
This is a direct quote from Live Science. I think it is an inaccurate statement. I don't think parents sit there and tell there kids don't use condoms or don't get on the pill, because it's against our beliefs. I know I don't. Now don't get me wrong, I am not encouraging sex either. Read on.
I think it is sometimes the rules and regulations that the more stricter parents (christian) have based on our values that causes the "sheltered" kids to go and be rebellious. So many of these kids are pressured into sex christian or not and I dont think the christian kid that is about to have sex is thinking well I know this is wrong and I shouldnt be doing it but- I'm going to- and by God I will not use a condom cause my parents are against them.
Not so.
It's called peer pressure and it is a proven fact that kids with too many restrictions tend to be the more rebellious ones. What it boils down to is education and it starts at home.
It's like being on a diet; you restrict yourself from chocolate, but when you come off the diet you gorge on it, why- because you were told no before. It makes you want it more.
If we are educating our children on biblical principles of why we don't have sex ---not because the Bible says we shouldnt but because we have taught them how to love the Lord and when we love someone we have a tendency to do what pleases that person, then we probably would see that rate drop. Our problem is we are so busy laying down the law and pounding it into their heads.Then, it is human nature to rebel.
Fire and brimstone isn't always the best way to get a point across.
I used to be a fire and brimstone type preacher and to a point I still am in certain areas. I have a passion for holiness. However, Christ had a passion for love. It was love that brought Him here, and love that saved us. It was also love that He commanded us to walk in. We have fallen away from that type of preaching though. Could you imagine a world where love was the priority of everyone. If only we would take the Lord's teaching on love and live it! I don't think we would need blogs on teenage pregnancy in the Bible belt.
This is a direct quote from Live Science. I think it is an inaccurate statement. I don't think parents sit there and tell there kids don't use condoms or don't get on the pill, because it's against our beliefs. I know I don't. Now don't get me wrong, I am not encouraging sex either. Read on.
I think it is sometimes the rules and regulations that the more stricter parents (christian) have based on our values that causes the "sheltered" kids to go and be rebellious. So many of these kids are pressured into sex christian or not and I dont think the christian kid that is about to have sex is thinking well I know this is wrong and I shouldnt be doing it but- I'm going to- and by God I will not use a condom cause my parents are against them.
Not so.
It's called peer pressure and it is a proven fact that kids with too many restrictions tend to be the more rebellious ones. What it boils down to is education and it starts at home.
It's like being on a diet; you restrict yourself from chocolate, but when you come off the diet you gorge on it, why- because you were told no before. It makes you want it more.
If we are educating our children on biblical principles of why we don't have sex ---not because the Bible says we shouldnt but because we have taught them how to love the Lord and when we love someone we have a tendency to do what pleases that person, then we probably would see that rate drop. Our problem is we are so busy laying down the law and pounding it into their heads.Then, it is human nature to rebel.
Fire and brimstone isn't always the best way to get a point across.
I used to be a fire and brimstone type preacher and to a point I still am in certain areas. I have a passion for holiness. However, Christ had a passion for love. It was love that brought Him here, and love that saved us. It was also love that He commanded us to walk in. We have fallen away from that type of preaching though. Could you imagine a world where love was the priority of everyone. If only we would take the Lord's teaching on love and live it! I don't think we would need blogs on teenage pregnancy in the Bible belt.